What Women Need To Know About Hormone Imbalance

Ladies, are your hormones imbalanced? Chances are the answer is yes and you just don’t know it. Answer the following questions to find out:

  • Are you having issues with your menstrual cycle, fertility, or sex drive?

  • Do you have irregular periods, missed periods, heavy flow, or PMS?

  • Trouble getting pregnant, failed IVF treatments, or preparing for IVF?

  • Do get hot flashes, unexplained headaches, trouble getting to sleep at night?

  • Do you have trouble with getting “in the mood”, trouble orgasming, or are too tired for sex?

  • Do you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, acne, or dandruff?

  • Have you been diagnosed with PCOC or Endometriosis?

  • Do you suffer from fibroids?

  • Do you experience extreme cramping?

  • Do you get frequent UTI’s or yeast infections?

  • Has a doctor suggested you go on birth control to balance your hormones? Do you know that you’re sensitive to forms of birth control with hormones included?

  • Have you been diagnosed with HPV?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then chances are you suffer from a hormone imbalance. The good thing is, it can be helped with a few lifestyle changes. To learn all about these lifestyle changes and how you can regain your “FLO”, then read the book Women’s Code by Alisa Vitti. You can purchase it on Amazon or listen to it on Audible (my preferred method of consuming literature. This book will give you a comprehensive breakdown of your endocrine system and explain how it, along with other systems in your body help to regulate your hormones. By making a few changes to your nutrition and exercise routines, you can help your body heal itself. This information is great for women in their 20’s and 30’s who want to be able to get pregnant easily when they are ready. It’s also great for post menopausal and perimenopausal women to help cope with the hormone challenges their bodies are going through. Really, the information in this book is important for all women to learn and should be taught in schools. The female body is truly amazing and we as Women should be proud of it and allowed to discuss openly all of it’s intricacies including menstruation, fertility, and sex.

Once you’ve finished reading Women’s code, proceed to Alisa’s next book, Flo Living. You can even check out her amazing website for more resources and information. In case you’re wondering why you should listen to this Alisa woman, she managed to heal herself from her hormonal problems that lead to her PCOC. She studied at John’s Hopkins University and is a Women’s Hormonal Health Specialist. She boasts HHC, AADP (Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practitioners) after her name and developed a 5 step system to help other women cure their hormonal imbalances. But don’t take my word for it, read her books and start the process for yourself!

Comment below after you’ve read, and let us know if you’ve seen results. I have recently begun the process and will do a follow up post with my results. I’ll be sure to include your testamonials also! Let’s work together to help women around the world learn the Women’s code and regain their Flo.