Why use running insoles?

This post is sponsored by Babblebox on behalf of Superfeet.

Has anyone ever told you that you should be wearing running orthotics inside of your running shoes? I know that I was told this a few times by my Physical Therapist.  The problem was, most of the orthotics that I tried were really uncomfortable and took a while to break in. This wasn’t really convenient for my training regimen.  I’d usually end up ditching the insoles after a few days and just dealing with the achiness that I’d have after running that was a result of the imbalances happening at feet.  You might also feel achy after a run or you may get injured often as a result of running too much. This may be a result of imbalances happening at your feet like with me.  The right pair of running orthotics can help you fix the imbalances in the rest of your body so that running is more comfortable for you. 

I’m happy to say that I can finally recommend a good pair of affordable orthotics insoles for running. Superfeet’s new ADAPT Run insoles feature Adaptive Comfort Technology which is designed to help your feet move optimally so that they can have an efficient heel-to-toe turnover for a smoother. These insoles are also especially comfortable with a flexible Step in Comfort insole that doesn’t require a break-in period. I also found it helpful that the comfort insoles have a responsive foot zone that maximizes energy transfer and gives me a little extra bounce in my stride with each step. 

Installation is super simple, take out your shoes' existing insole. Use it to trace and trim your new Superfeet insoles. Once this insole is trimmed to fit your shoe place it in your shoe. See photos below:

You can click here to shop the ADAPT Run insoles by Superfeet. Also, let me know in the comments below, how your running form has improved as a result of using them. I’d love to know!