How To Have Better Joint Health

Your body only gets one set of joints for life, so do everything you can to protect your joints and to have better joint health. It’s better to pay for preventative care than to pay for joint replacement surgeries in the future. Don’t you agree? So if you’re younger and not experiencing any joint pain or problems, it doesn’t mean you should be passive about your joint health and hope for the best. Especially if you’re very active and enjoy actives that put extra force on your joints. Activities like running, weight lifting, MMA, basketball, or skiing. Below you’ll find my top 3 suggestions for better joint health:

1) Exercise

We’ve all heard the old saying “use it or lose it” Well this applies to your joints as well. I’m not literally saying you’re going to lose your joints, however, you will lose strength and mobility in them if you aren’t staying active. You want to find a good balance between being active enough to challenge your bones to get stronger, but not so active that you’re failing to give your bones and joints a chance to recover. I recommend low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, and moderate weight lifting or resistance training. You want to do some form of weight training or resistance training to build up the muscles around your joints so that they are better protected. You can download my fitness app for a few easy exercises to start with. I’m also a fan of Osteostrong for people who want to improve their bone health without putting excess strain on their joints and who want an effective workout in a shorter amount of time.

2) Nutrition

Nutrition plays a huge role in your joint health. Nourish your joints by eating more lean protein such as turkey, chicken, fish, legumes, beans, and nuts. Eat foods rich in Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, and Collagen. These foods include dark green leafy vegetables, oranges, dairy products (if not dairy intolerant), garlic, and Tumeric.

3) Supplements

Getting nutrients from foods is always best, but the way our Western diets are set up it’s extremely difficult to get all of our nutrients from food alone. That’s why supplements are helpful. Chondroitin and Glucosamine are two supplements that have been found to be very effective when it comes to joint health. One of my favorite brands for supplements is Synutra Pure Joint Health. They produce Synthritis with Chondrotin & Tumeric and Osteosyn with Chondroitin & Glucosamine. I’m also a big fan of Synutra Pure which is a Marine Collagin supplement that is good for joint health and hair, skin, and nails. If you take the supplements from Synutra Pure consistently for at least 4 weeks, you should begin to see improvements in your joint health.

Now that you’ve got 3 tips for better joint health, start implementing them today to improve your chances of having healthy joints for a lifetime. Comment below with which suggestion you plan to implement first.