Advanced Kettlebell At Home Workout

Workout At Home:

The Coronavirus is spreading across the country, causing gyms to close and forcing many people to stay at home for most of the day. During this time you may feel restless and bored. A good way to help with this is by exercising at home. Use this time to try new workout styles that you ordinarily don’t have time to master. Some suggestions are Yoga, Barre, Boxing, and Animal Flow. They can all be done without equipment and are fantastic for challenging your body in new ways.

If you happen to have a kettlebell at home or a means to purchase one, I would recommend spending some time mastering the fundamentals of kettlebells. Kettlebells are great tools for improving strength, mobility, and cardiovascular health.

I consider the fundamentals of Kettlebells to be: swings, cleans, snatches, windmills, and presses. Spend time practicing 10 sets of 1 rep of the movements with light weight until you master the form. Then progress to combining these moves into a complex (series) of kettlebell movements.

If you are already a master of kettlebells, then try this advanced kettlebell workout that I’ve created below. I would recommend performing each movement for 30 seconds and repeating the circuit 4 to 6 times for maximum fat burn and strength gains. Comment below with questions and share this article with a friend who is stuck at home with a kettlebell.

The advanced kettlebell workout is ideal for people who have master the intermediate and beginner kettlebell moves. These can be done at home with a kettlebe...